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Local schools and businesses partner with Emma’s Pjs by collecting pajamas. We start early in November by creating an event on Facebook and everyone helps spread the word.

In schools it has become one of those teachable moments where students learn about the importance of giving back to their community. Some also learn of the dangers of impaired driving and getting in a vehicle with an impaired driver. In many schools it is the students themselves undertaking the pajama drive with a teacher advisor. Whether it be a Women’s Studies class, a Leadership group, a We Act group or a TADD group, students are involved. And that is a very good thing.

What is especially awesome in many of the schools is their pajama drive ends with a Pajama Day. Everyone wears pajamas to school and the students bring a favourite book and a flashlight. Teachers turn the classroom lights off and they read their books by flashlight for a period of time. As much as Emma loved pajamas, she LOVED books, so this really touches our hearts.


Every year we receive, on average, 600 pairs of pajamas here in our part of western New Brunswick. It is a remarkable accomplishment for such a small area. Six years of pajama

drives and over 3600 pairs of pajamas and no plans to slow down.

As well , friends from all over Canada and the United States have held pajama drives and donated hundreds more, in their communities, all in Emma’s name.

We know every pair of pajamas come to us as an expression of love and we are blessed to be able to pass
that onto others.

Collecting and donating

Early in December we visit all the schools and businesses to collect the donated pajamas. Year after year we are blown away by peoples’ generosity. The pajamas are sorted into womens, boys and girls and then by size. They get folded neatly and a sticker with Emma’s smiling face and a special message, is positioned over the heart.

The donated pajamas go to various places. Several hundred pair go to our local Kin Club, a service group, that prepares Christmas boxes for families in need. We deliver pajamas to two different women’s shelters in NB. We take childrens pajamas to two hospitals in NB, as well as the IWK Children’s Hospital in Halifax, NS. We also give pjs to our local Valley Food bank, some nursing homes and churches and local women and children in need in our community.


Kim Pearson

Emma's mom

Emma’s PJs

1470 Route 580

Glassville, NB

E7L 1R5

Tel: (506) 246-8115

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© 2021 Emma's Pajamas

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